Business Benefits of logIQDoc™ - executive overview
Regulatory Compliance with public and industry regulations
A critical factor in regulatory compliance is a centralized repository of business documents and records that
are tightly managed. logIQDoc™ provides this effective centralized solution that helps streamline the
capture, classification, auditing and management of critical business records and documents.
The logIQDoc™ Document Management Software solution allows organizations to create and manage a set of
uniform models for retention, security, classification, search, retrieval and automatic notification and
alerts for changing content. The benefits of such a system quickly become more obvious in the ever changing
landscape of business where non-compliance may mean costly fines, sanctions, litigation and personal liability.
Rapid ROI (Return of Investment). Save money
Recent surveys and research indicate that searching for documents accounts for more than 4 hours a month
for the average employee. Lost documents that must be recreated account for more than 6 hours a month.
To solve this problem, the logIQDoc™ document management software system offers a very powerful and
flexible search tool that will help you find documents within seconds. You can search on the document's
title, author, creation date, keywords, or many other kinds of meta-information. You can search through
the actual contents of the documents stored in logIQDoc™. Every document is automatically full-text
indexed, which means you can find precisely what you're looking for every time.
The logIQDoc™ system can easily pay for itself in just months given the increased ability for users
to locate the information they need. Productivity gains are only part of the picture. logIQDoc™ also
saves you money by centralizing and managing a function typically spread over countless applications and systems.
Finally, there's the very real value associated with your peace of mind --knowing that all of your critical
corporate files and documents are centralized, secured, versioned, and instantly recoverable.
Get Document Management power at a price you can afford
logIQDoc™ offers powerful features that are typically only found in document management software
applications costing hundreds of thousands of euro.
Tons of features make it easier than ever before to create, store, secure, distribute, edit, track,
manage, restore, share, and audit your valuable information assets, without going through the unnecessary
sophistication (and expense) of some goliath DMS systems.
Promote knowledge sharing
logIQDoc™ makes sharing information very easy. Changes to existing documents and newly created content
are immediately and automatically communicated users, customers and partners. logIQDoc™ offers a vast
number of features that are well beyond the offerings of traditional document management applications.
You will be able to offer services to your internal and external customers, vendors, suppliers, and anyone
else you need to collaborate with. You'll be able to instantly provide secure access to important business
documents to whoever needs it. logIQDoc™ will take you beyond document management. Every document can
behave like a topic in a forum, in which each user can comment and reply to other users.
Preserve Organizational Knowledge
Most likely, your business-critical information is floating around in unsecured laptops, instead of a centralized
repository with security. Important documents stored where they're not readily available, instead of being
stored where they can be securely retrieved from anywhere where there's an Internet connection.
Do you know when critical information in your organization changes? If you depend on others to give you the
information, you may never know. If you are not willing to trust hasty emails and hallway conversations as a
means of distributing must-know information, then you should consider logIQDoc™.
Centralized Security
Not even a "paranoid" security scenario doesn't do you any good when your most critical documents are spread
across hundreds or thousands of laptops, PCs, and network drives. Because logIQDoc™ is centralized,
it's simple to provide flexible security that works.
The powerful security model restricts access, while the auditing let's you know who viewed and modified what.
And because it's centralized, backups are the rule, not the exception.
Audit Trails and Document Tracking
logIQDoc™ maintains an extensive audit trail of all activity. Group creations, group deletions, document
creations/views/edits/deletes and much more are all tracked automatically. An authorized user will be able to
see, for example, every user that has ever accessed a document.
Tracking changes to documents, handling procedure documentation, controlling access to sensitive documents are
all issues being addressed by governmental and industry regulations.
Search, access and retrieve documents wherever you are
Provide secure access to critical business documents from anywhere in the world with logIQDoc™
Document Management Software. All you need is an Internet connection and an established web browser
(IE or Firefox).
Integrated full-text searching and powerful advanced search features make it simple to locate exactly
what you need from wherever you are. That means no more wasting time trying to find a document, and no
time spent recreating content that already exists.
Multi-Language Support
A single installation of logIQDoc™ can serve your customers and partners from different parts of
the World. For generic users, the system automatically detects language settings from a user's browser
and defaults to this language setting. Normal users can set their preferred language settings.
Currently the system is available in English, Italian and Romanian. It can be easily translated in any
other language by simply editing a xml file and then loading it into the system by using the administrative
utilities of logIQDoc™.
Use a Microsoft® Certified Product
Insure your investment is in a stable and industry-standard software product, certified by the most important
software company in the world.
logIQDoc™ Enterprise Document Management System has been tested and meets the criteria for the
Microsoft Platform Test for ISV Solutions program: Platform Test: Windows Server + Managed Code +
SQL Server 2005 + Web services and .NET Framework.
Testing was conducted independently by VeriTest, a testing service of Lionbridge Technologies.