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Proven Technologies

       logIQDoc™ uses the latest state-of-the art technologies. AJAX is giving the user interface a "desktop application" look and feel while running into a standard browser. Log4net middleware is providing the support for applicaton logging. iBatis data mapper middleware is isolating the data access from the details of the database used while giving the possibility of using a wide range of commercial and opensource databases. OpenOffice API is being used for generating documents by using form templates.

       No third party closed-source component is being used, any technology used that is not coming from Microsoft itself (Dot Net Framework 2.0, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Search) is opensource, thus reducing consistently the technologies-connected risk.

       logIQDoc™ Enterprise Document Management System has been tested and meets the criteria for the Microsoft Platform Test for ISV Solutions program: Platform Test: Windows Server + Managed Code + SQL Server 2005 + Web services and .NET Framework.

       Testing was conducted independently by VeriTest, a testing service of Lionbridge Technologies.