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Technology Benefits of logIQDoc™ - technical overview

Instant Deployment, Remote Administration

       Since logIQDoc™ is completely centralized and the access browser based, deployment will be very easy. A typical installation and deployment takes only a few hours. Because it is fully browserbased, deployment across your enterprise will be effortless.

       The logIQDoc™ document management system only requires a server side installation that has a few easy steps. There are no mndatory client-side components to install.

       After deployment, all logIQDoc™ administration functions can be performed remotely using the web browser interface. Using the Upload From Zip tool, you can import all of your existing documents into logIQDoc™.

No training required for System Administrators

       Training for System Administrators is not required. The documentation and the Help system will be sufficient for an administrator with experience in managing an NT/200x network.

Integrated Security

       logIQDoc™ works seamlessly with Windows Active Directory security (and any other directory using the LDAP standard) for managing users and user groups. It also has a built-in security module to authenticate and manage outside users (accounts for external users, partners and vendors can easily be created and managed directly from within logIQDoc™). Domain security can be implemented to create isolated work areas in which users can create, share, and manage documents without knowing about other domains.

Web Services API

       Your in-house applications can be integrated easily into logIQDoc™. Systems or applications lacking content and document control features can be enhanced and extended by integrating them with logIQDoc™. The Web Services API will allow your developers to access core functions by making a series of simple HTTP calls.

Microsoft Office™ Integration

       By using the logIQDoc™ Office Integration Addin, you can extend the standard functionality of the Microsoft Office™ and open/save documents directly from/into logIQDoc™ using your user and password credentials. Since it is using the Web Services API of logIQDoc, you can do it from anywhere there is a internet connection. For slow networks, you can use the compressed communication options.

Native Format Publishing

       Whether you work in words, images, audio, video or scanned documents, logIQDoc™ can manage any type of document or file in its native format. It allows users to create, manage, share and distribute almost any form of electronic document using any desktop software or tool. No need to convert documents to common formats such as PDF and HTML.

Less user training is required

       The intuitive interface makes using it easy. The users will understand and begin using logIQDoc™ within minutes, without any training. With the groups on the left and the documents on the right, and by having the details on the bottom, logIQDoc™ looks and feels just like Windows Explorer or Microsoft Outlook, an interface familiar to almost all users.

Get rid of the mapped drives

       logIQDoc™ allows you to share information on drives that are not shared, so you can go ahead and get rid of all the mapped drives. Implementing and maintaining security on these mapped drives will no longer be an issue.

Recovery of deleted documents

       logIQDoc™ implements two levels of recovery: the deleted documents are recoverable by the user itself, since the document is non actually deleted but moved to the user recycle-bin. One the user empties his recycle-bin, the document is not actually deleted, but moved again to the domain recyclebin. From here, the System Administrator or the Domain Administrator can still access the document and eventually recover them.

Proven Technologies

       logIQDoc™ uses the latest state-of-the art technologies. AJAX is giving the user interface a "desktop application" look and feel while running into a standard browser. Log4net middleware is providing the support for applicaton logging. iBatis data mapper middleware is isolating the data access from the details of the database used while giving the possibility of using a wide range of commercial and opensource databases. OpenOffice API is being used for generating documents by using form templates.

       No third party closed-source component is being used, any technology used that is not coming from Microsoft itself (Dot Net Framework 2.0, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Search) is opensource, thus reducing consistently the technologies-connected risk.

       logIQDoc™ Enterprise Document Management System has been tested and meets the criteria for the Microsoft Platform Test for ISV Solutions program: Platform Test: Windows Server + Managed Code + SQL Server 2005 + Web services and .NET Framework.

       Testing was conducted independently by VeriTest, a testing service of Lionbridge Technologies.

Scalable Architecture

       The distributed architecture of logIQDoc™ allows you to install the different components of logIQDoc™ across multiple servers to achieve load balancing. You can use more servers to participate in managing your information with speed and confidence.

Hardware and software requirements

Server requirements:

Procesor Pentium 4 or superior
Minimum 1GB of RAM
500MB space on disk
Windows Server 2003 SP2; Winddows Server 2008; Windows XP Professional SP2
Internet Information Server (IIS) with support for ASP.NET 2.0
.NET Framework Version 3.0 with last Service Pack
One of followinf DBMS platforms:
   - MS SQL Server 7, 2000 or 2005, SQL Server Express
   - Oracle 8i, 9i, 10i
   - DB2
   - MySQL 4.1 or recent
   - Postgress
   - Firebird (more details: iBatis supported databases)

Client requirements:

Windows Family, MAC OS, Linux Family cu Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2.x, Safari 3.x